The training mode in PUBG Mobile Lite is a good place for players to practice and improve their skills. In the training room, players can improve their shooting, aiming, movement, and other skills. Moreover, the game developers have introduced a new training mode the 0.18.0 update. Check it out here at

New PUBG Lite Training Mode

Training mode is one of the integral modes in most shooting games like PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite. You can improve their shooting skill with all weapons without having to go to find them on the map. It has been added to PUBG Mobile Lite in the recent update 0.18.0. After this update, PUBG Mobile Lite players can go to this training room to practice and get ready before entering the gory battleground of this game.

Training mode is one of the integral modes in most shooting games like PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite.

Like in PUBG Mobile, the new training room in PUBG Mobile Lite also has all the weapons, supplies, and attachments available in this game. In specific, players can practice shooting will all weapon categories, from shotguns, SMGs, ARs, DMRs, and SRs. There are also melee weapons like pan, crossbar, sickle, etc. You can also get a backpack to carry bullets and supplies. There are enough consumables like bandages, first-aid kits, painkillers, energy drinks, etc. In short, all items in this game are available in PUBG mobile lite training mode.

The training room in PUBG Mobile Lite also has all the weapons, supplies, and attachments available in this game.

If you are a beginner in this game and want to get to know how to use these items, go to the training room to get ready before entering a real match. There are many skills you can improve in this new training room of PUBG Mobile Lite.

The training room is placed in the Shooting Range on the Varenga map.

How To Practice In Training Mode In PUBG Mobile Lite?

The training room is available to choose from in the Playlab the game mode selection room. Go to select the mode, and choose to enter the Training Room. The training room is placed in the Shooting Range on the Varenga map. Weapons and supplies are spawned on the tables and wooden crates. They are also categorized in order, from melee weapons to SMGs, DMRs, ARs, and SRs. Attachments are also divided into groups of muzzles, grips, mags, scopes, etc.

The PUBG Mobile Lite Training Room is a large area with many functional sections, such as a shooting range and the vehicle training ground.

After getting into the training room, you need to go to the tents, choose supplies and weapons, and practice shooting at a standstill and moving targets. The level increases from easy to hard. There are many targets on the training ground, from near to far distances. The two first turns of targets will standstill. When you take down all these targets, you will face moving targets. However, they only move left and right in a fixed manner.

There are many targets on the training ground, from near to far distance.

Or else, you can make friends with other players in the training room and practice with them. Playing with real players helps you improve faster than only shooting those easy targets. The training ground also has vehicles for you to use.

You also practice with standstill and moving targets.

What To Practice In Training Mode In PUBG Lite?

The training ground is a great place for players, especially beginners in PUBG Mobile to get to know and master all skills in the game. Here are things you need to practice and experience in the training ground in PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite.

The training mode will be available to select after you get the update 0.18.0.

Fighting Skills

  • Shooting and Aiming: these are the two most important skills that you need to practice in the training ground. In this room, you can practice aiming and shooting with different targets at different ranges. Therefore, players can play well in short, medium, and long-range battles. You also practice with standstill and moving targets.
Practice aiming and shooting skills in the training mode.
  • Weapon Mastering: As mentioned, the training ground has all weapons and attachments available in the game. You pick up the favorite weapon combo based on your ability and squad role. For example, if you are a sniper, you can take an SR like Kar98k or M24 as the primary weapon and focus on long-range targets. Besides, grab an AR or SMG to deal with close-range targets. Moreover, practice to choose the best attachments as well as know some important features of those weapons, such as recoil, reload duration, and bullet drops.

Supporting Skills To Practice

  • Driving: Another skill you can practice in the training ground is driving. All vehicles in this game are also available for you to drive in the training ground. Moreover, you can test the health of these vehicles. It can be useful in a real match because you will know how many bullets you need to take down a car. Besides, you can practice shooting the window of the car to take down the moving target in vehicles if needed.
You can test the vehicle health in the training mode.
  • Grenade skill: If you practice using grenades in real matches, you can make deadly mistakes. Therefore, you should practice and master grenades in the training ground. Practice some skills, such as peek to throw, cook grenades, jump to throw, etc.
Practice And Improve Grenade Skills To Master Throwables.

Those are things you need to know about the training mode in PUBG Mobile Lite. To master all skills, weapons, and supplies in this game and play like pro players, go to the training room to practice before entering the rank mode. To update the latest PUBG Mobile Lite game news as well as more tips, tricks, and game reviews, let's visit our website.