Money is pretty much the number one concern of any GTA Online player. All the coolest things in the game are so expensive that you can't get them unless you grind a lot.

That being said, there are ways for you to get money fast in GTA Online. These things often require you to do a lot of preparation but the payouts are often worth it. In this article, we will talk about the top 5 easiest jobs to make money in GTA Online.

1. The Cayo Perico Heist

  • Money to earn: $900,000

The Cayo Perico Heist, also known as the highest-paid job in game, will bring you tons of money in GTA Online. You can play the Heist solo or with your friends to increase the chance of success.

The Cayo Perico Heist in GTA Online

There is also Gold Glitch in The Cayo Perico Heist that helps you make money easier in the Heist. You can get at least $900,000 from the main target and an additional $500,000 from secondary targets.

However, the Cayo Perico Heist requires you to have certain conditions to be able to do it so new players might want to opt this out until later.

2. Trash Talk

  • Money to earn: $15,000

In this mission, you and a team of up to 6 people will try to destroy 4 garbage trucks of a rival gang. Each garbage truck will have many armed NPCs protecting it. When you have destroyed all the garbage trucks, you need to hunt down all the members of the gang along with their boss.

Trash Talk is a simple mission with a good amount of payout

This Trash Talk mission to make money in GTA Online is very simple and you can get $15,000 in just a few minutes.

3. Pier Pressure

  • Money to earn: $15,000

Pier Pressure is unlocked at rank 6. You will need to go to the Pier in Del Perro to interrupt a meeting. Kill everyone there and take the package of meth to the person who gave you the mission.

Pier Pressure is a nice change from the city area

The mission to make money in GTA Online is extremely simple. up to 4 players can play this mission. You can get a payout of $15,000 quickly. This mission will give new players a nice boost up at the start with little investment.

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4. Rooftop Rumble

  • Money to earn: $20,000

Rooftop Rumble is unlocked at rank 75. It is a difficult mission but you can get more than $20,000 from it. All you have to do is crashing a meeting between the FIB and the Professionals. They will exchange a document. Steal that document and bring it back to the person who gave you the mission.

Rooftop Rumble can get you more than $20,000.

5. Blow Up

  • Money to earn: $10,000

Blow Up is an early mission that can give you $10,000 easily. You have to destroy all the vehicles at a dealership, lose the cop, and then return to the dealership. One trick to do mission is to set up the vehicles close and then destroy them altogether using explosives. It will also reduce the chance of cops showing up.

You can complete the Blow Up mission easily to make money in GTA Online with one simple trick.

>>> Read more: How To Make Money In GTA 5's Stock Market