Well-known Fortnite streamer Ninja has some suggestions for the growing Apex Legends that Respawn can consider. At the point when suggested with a question during a live session, Ninja stated that the possibilities for Apex Legends to succeed depend on its developers.

His suggestions have 2 fundamental features: content and gameplay. He began off by pointing out that Apex Legends should be refreshed often and consistently. This would make the game more balanced over time while still keep its integrity.

With respect to content, he clarified that its map should be updated well so that it could satisfy the players. Ninja also suggested that the number of playable heroes would need to increase while still being balanced, well-designed and shouldn't be overpowered neither too weak.

Of course, weapons' performances is also a factor that Ninja was really interesting it and he hoped that the developers could maintain their balance though this is not an easy task.

Apex Legends has a lot of potentials to succeed.

Finally, he wrapped up by saying that the most crucial thing Apex Legends' developers should keep in mind that always listen to the players' responses as they are the most significant sign of whether the community is satisfied or not.

It's unquestionably out of nowhere that a ton of the thoughts that Ninja proposed are like the methodology that Epic Games took with Fortnite Battle Royale, which has proceeded to achieve phenomenal accomplishment, especially the idea that Apex Legends should be updated constantly to not only refresh the gaming experiences but also maintaining the balance of the gameplay - one of the key feature for a successful battle royale.

Surely, Apex Legends has a lot more to do but Respawn has Fortnite as the most important model to follow and it's pretty sure that they can learn something from that to integrate into the game to make it as great of a battle royale.

According to Ninja, the most important thing Respawn needs to keep in mind is that always listen to the community.