Borderlands 3 just got another trailer at E3 2019 during the Microsoft conference at E3 2019 along with the new DLC for Borderlands 2. The new The Borderlands 3 trailer is narrated by Lilith and shows all the playable characters battling against the enemies.

Borderlands 2 Dlc Commander Lilith And The Fight F

They are Moze The Gunner, FL4K The Beastmaster, Zane Flynt The Operative, and Amara The Siren. Moze can summon a mech into battle, FL4K can order alien beasts to the fight, Zane is a master of illusion with his holograms and Amara has arms created by psychic energy.

Borderlands 3 1
The 4 vault hunters in Borderlands 3

They will fight against Children of the Vault - a psycho cult of billions led by Calypso twin brothers. If you are expecting for some exciting, thrilling actions then this trailer won't let you down as the whole trailer was gloriously packed with action scenes and rock music.

Children of the Vault

Borderlands 3 is going to have split-screen multiplayer so you can invite friends to your house and play together. The game will also have level-scaling for co-op play, which means you can play with your friend regardless of your level.

Borderlands 3 will have split-screen multiplayer

Borderlands has a reputation for adding weird surprises in the game. This time, the developers even include a gun that can insult your opponents and a gun that creates volcanoes. No, you didn't read it wrong. This game is just like a crazy world created by a mad scientist. Sound fun to me.

A gun with legs that can talk

Creative director Paul Sage announced on stage that Borderlands 3 will continue from where Borderlands 2 end and give players the answers that they have been waiting for. Borderlands will be released on September 13, 2019, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows. Also, if you haven't noticed yet, there is currently a 97% sale on the Borderlands: The Handsome Collection bundle on Steam right now, which includes Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-sequel and all the bonus content for both of them.