While those first installments of the Grand Theft Auto franchise had their own fans, the title which made Rockstar Games and the whole franchise famous was the Grand Theft Auto 3. Back then, it was indeed a groundbreaking title which features a truly open world. It set the bar for many copycats which follow it.
In my opinion, Grand Theft Auto 3 is one of the most prestigious titles ever be made. And nowadays, it is kinda making a comeback, according to the rating board in Australia.

The Australian Department of Arts and Communications has given the title a new classification, which before has received R18+ rating. We do not have any further details on this project, except for that they have issued the new classification on September 26th of this year,
A GTA 3 Remastered?
For the moment, that means nothing. However, it could also be a sign that Rockstar is looking to make a GTA 3 Remastered version. That could also mean the enhanced port of GTA 3 will go to other platforms as well, like the Xbox One or Switch. We will not know until the company decides to release more information on the matter.

However, today it is near an important date of GTA 3. That also fuels the speculation that the new classification is an indication of a comeback.
GTA 3 originally released on October 22nd, 2001. So we are close to the title's anniversary of 18 years. Moreover, this year, October 22nd is a Tuesday, and usually, video games launch on Friday and Tuesday. Therefore it might be that Rockstar will start the Remastered GTA 3 on that date for new platforms. Back at its 10th anniversary, Rockstar released GTA 3 for the mobile, so maybe they will do the same for this anniversary as well.
On the other hand

But, if a GTA 3 Remastered is in development, Rockstar would have to announce the project already. At this year Nintendo Direct and the PS State of Play, there was no mention about the GTA 3. Even at Inside Xbox, Rockstar had had the chance, but they didn't say anything about GTA 3 Remastered either.
I guess we will have to wait for information from Rockstar to know for sure. Grand Theft Auto 3 is now available for Xbox, PS4, PS2, PC, Android, and iOS.