PUBG Awards 2019 is on now. Players can show-off unconventional gameplays and get amazing rewards from the game publisher. Especially, when you hit, cause damage, and knockdown enemies with accurate melee throwing, you could get rewards.
Throwing Melee Weapons in PUBG
PUBG Awards 2019 begins with melee throw challenge in week 1. You can submit your videos of melee throwing performance to get rewards. Remember to tag your 30-second videos with hashtags #PUBGAwards2019, #Contest, and #AimToWin before posting. You can check out the official teaser of this challenge on PUBG’s official YouTube channel, Twitter, or fan pages.

Aim to Win challenge last from November 27 to 30. The winners will be announced on Tuesday, December 3, 2019. PUBG stated that they will look and score the craziness of users’ melee videos. Thus, they will give a higher point to crazy aspects and unconventional gameplay in your videos rather than looking at your skill.
About PUBG Awards 2019
PUBG Awards 2019 gives players to share exciting gameplay and get many special prizes. The winners of each challenge can get a real PUBG trophy, as well as real-world and in-game T-shirts. Aim to Win is the first challenge, followed by I Meant To Do That, Got My License, and Scope Showdown. This event will end on December 21, the ending date of the last challenge.

To join melee challenge as well as other challenges in PUBG Awards 2019, you can keep track of weekly challenges. Submit your videos every week before 9 a.m. PST on Saturday. To send your videos, reply to the challenge post of PUBG on Twitter, or else, tweet to @PUBG. In the comment or tweet, send a link to your publicized video and tag #PUBGAwards2019, #contest, and weekly challenge hashtag. The video should last 30 seconds or less.

This week, submit your melee throwing gameplay and prepare for the next challenge I Meant To Do That. In the following challenge, you will show a funny mistake you made in PUBG.