Currently, the most popular versions of Minecraft are Java and Bedrock. While they are mostly the same in core mechanics, there are quite a few differences when it comes to the specifics. In this article, we are going to showcase the top 5 exclusive block features in Minecraft Bedrock Edition.
1. Armor stands
Armor stands are entities that are able to hold and display wearable items. Players can craft an armor stand using a smooth stone slab and 6 sticks. Players can use armor stands to hold armor, mob heads, carved pumpkins, and elytra. Furthermore, by interacting with the armor stands, players can place them in different orientations and pose, similar to banners or signs.

This block cannot be crafted in Minecraft Java and must be spawned using commands. However, it is not possible to take or place items from the armor stand's hands unless playing on Bedrock Edition.
2. Cobwebs
A cobweb is a block that slows down entity movements. It is one of the most annoying blocks in the game and is often used in PVP or mob farms with great effect. Despite getting slowed, mobs do not attempt to find a path around cobwebs.

In Minecraft Bedrock, players can craft cobwebs and turn a single cobweb into 9 strings, which can be an easy source for this particular item. Like water, falling into a cobweb prevents a player from taking fall damage.
3. Tropical fish
Tropical Fish are common passive mobs found in oceans and lush caves. In Java Edition, Tropical fishes spawns are fairly limited. 90% of the time they appear as one of the 22 varieties, with the other 10% being random between various colors and patterns.

Bedrock edition, on the other hand, does not have this limitation. Instead, the fish spawns using randomly chosen patterns, sizes, and colors (except black). This results in up to 3000 unique combinations.
4. Tree types
In Bedrock Edition, outside of the normal trees, sapling can generate as one of the two following variants of the dying tree types:
Fallen trees
These trees consist of a single upright log, or stump. Players can find a log lying on their side, 1–2 blocks from the stump. Oak, spruce, birch, tall birch, and jungle trees can generate as fallen trees.

Dying trees
These trees have the standard growth pattern of any other tree, however, all exposed logs in the main trunk are covered with vines. They can generate in multiple variants, from dark oak, jungle, spruce, small oak trees...etc.
These special tree types are very good for decoration - this is much better than Java, with every tree looking the same.
5. Cauldron
The Cauldron is pretty useless in Java, where it is just a special type of bucket that can hold water and powder snow. However, in Bedrock Edition, it can be filled with potions, lava, and dyes, which is a lot more useful.
Players can make tipped arrows by filling cauldrons with various potions. They will inflict the potion's effect on enemies. Dyes in cauldron can be used to change the color of leather armors.

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