The International 2019 has concluded with the victory going to OG. The biggest Dota 2 event this year also featured a cosplay competition with $15,000 (₹10.7 LAKH) on the line. Cosplay competition is often the chance for Dota 2 fans to show their love for the game.

Costume Play

What could be better than transforming yourself into your favorite heroes? Being recognized by other fans and getting a reward from it. This year’s cosplay contest in The International 2019 was fantastic. The contestants here were great with their effort to portrait their ideal heroes in real life.

Every attendant was great with their work. However, the best 4 were carefully selected from the candidates for their outstanding cosplays. All the 15 cosplayers on the big stage got their own $500 (₹0.35 LAKH) as a consolation prize.

A great cosplay in the competition

The best

The “Best In Show Award” took the lion’s share with $3,000 (₹2.1 LAKH). The winner was none other than the Indian cosplayer Rohit Kailashiya who is better known as  “Redemption Props”. His cosplay of the hero Treant Protector was so great that everyone would “root for”.

Would you "root for" him?

Rohi Kailashiya also won second place at the ESL Mumbai cosplay contest.

The “Best Technique” was awarded for another Indian, Medha Srivastava. With the second place, she claimed $1,500 (₹1.05 LAKH) for her cosplay of Legion Commander, a female yet fierce hero in Dota 2. What a “challenging” job when displaying the spirit of a commander.

"I challenge you!"

Medha Srivastava also attended the ESL Mumbai cosplay contest and won the first prize. No wonder she won another award for the Indian Dota 2 community.

Other winners

The other 2 winners were Mustard’s Tinker with “Biggest Transformation” and Nienteen’s Terrorblade with “Most Innovative”. These 2 winners also got $1,500 for their great efforts.

Terrorblade cosplay won the "Most Innovative" award

The Terrorblade cosplayer was pretty ingenious with his idea, using various materials to form his cosplay.

Meanwhile, Tinker cosplay won the "Biggest Transformation" award

That concluded the cosplay contest. Indian cosplayers were fantastic with their jobs. This has helped to spread the love for Dota 2 from India to the world.