Free Fire has a huge collection of characters, each with its own ability and background story. Adam Free Fire is the first-ever male character in Free Fire and he doesn't have any ability at all. Even his origin is also a mystery, unlike other characters. Would you like to know more about the Adam character in Free Fire?
Table of Contents

1. Adam character in Free Fire
Adam is the first male original character in Free Fire. In a recent update, Garena Free Fire has changed the name Adam into Primis.
Since the story of each character is unlocked when you level up their ability, we hardly know anything about Adam because he doesn't have any ability at all. This makes Adam background story quite a mystery.
In the Free Fire world, Free Fire is an evil organization that performs biological experiments on people to give them different power. They then put these people into a battle royale match on Bermuda to test out their power. Adam is said to be the first test subject and a superhuman created by Free Fire.

There are rumors that there is an endless number of Adam clones that Free Fire uses in the battle royale matches on Bermuda. In real matches, you can see that all the bots in the game use the Adam character, which proves this theory.
2. Adam Free Fire ability
In fact, Adam doesn't have any ability at all, unlike most other Free Fire characters, so not many players use him. Unless you want to play Free Fire in hard mode, there is no reason to use this character at all.
Having said that, there is a bug that allows players to equip Adam with the abilities of other characters. Follow the steps below to use this bug:
- Go to the Character section and choose Adam.
- Exit to the lobby and open the Character section again.
- Turn off your Wifi.
- Choose a character you wish to use their ability. For example, choose Kelly.
- Turn on the wifi and then select Adam again.
You must follow all the steps exactly to perform the bug. Sometimes, you need to do it a few times. Note that, since it is a bug, there is a chance that you might get banned since it is considered taking unfair advantages over other players.

Since Adam doesn't have any ability, many people use him to measure the effectiveness of other characters' abilities. For example, you can compare his movement speed to Alok or compare his healing speed to Maxim.
Adam is also the character people use to test their fight skill vs another player in Free Fire since he has no ability at all.
3. Adam Free Fire's Creepypasta
There has been some creepypasta about Adam Free Fire around the community. If you play with Adam all night, at 3:00 am, an unnamed player will send you a message inviting you to a game. If you choose to accept the invitation, you will enter a game against 10 other players. You should be able to defeat all of them easily.
At the end of the game, the same player who invited you before will reveal to you that he is Adam, who decided to curse all the players who have forgotten their family and friends, just as they forgot about him. Finally, he will tell you that the ten people you have killed are your parents and your closest friends.

4. Adam Free Fire challenges
Even though Adam is the weakest character in Free Fire, it actually makes him more interesting in the eyes of the Free Fire community. There are many stories and fanfiction around his backstory.
There are also a lot of challenges that involve playing Adam. For example, there are the "poor versus rich" challenge and the "frying pan" challenge.
In the "poor versus rich" challenge, players will enter the game using Adam with no bundle or weapon skin at all. This challenge is to show that the most important factor to achieve victory in Free Fire is not skin but your skill and strategic ability.
In the "frying pan" challenge, players will use Adam and try to win using only the frying pan. This challenge is extremely hard and it is mostly done just for fun.
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