Genshin Impact has introduced a new feature named 'Enhancement Progression Calculator'. Like the Interactive Map, this tool helps the farming work in Genshin Impact easier for players. Here's how Enhancement Progression Calculator works and how to use this tool.

The new tool makes the game easier.

Genshin Enhancement Progression Calculator

Enhancement Progression Calculator is a new third-party tool like the Interactive Map. It's not a cheat tool or generator. This new calculator only helps your farming work easier. This tool works for character, weapon, and artifact enhancement.

  • Characters

You will learn the type and amount of Character Level-Up and Talent Level-Up materials for all characters in Genshin Impact. Then, you know which materials you need and how many items you need to farm at each level and phase of enhancement.

Check out wanted character materials
  • Weapons

Players can choose the weapons they want to enhance from the weapon list. All existing weapons in this game are available in this calculator. You can select the weapon type, rate, and weapon name. Then, the calculator will show you the total amounts of required materials to level it up. Users can also select the current level to the wanted level to count the materials.

The tool also shows you the required materials for weapon enhancement.
  • Artifacts

More interestingly, Genshin Impact players can also learn the total required artifact set you have to collect. Besides, the tool also shows you the total amount of Artifact EXP you need to use in order to upgrade the chosen artifact.

Learn the best artifact set.

Keep in mind that the default setting of the tool makes it show you the total amount of materials or EXP for full enhancement from level 1 to 90. But you can also select the current level of your character, weapon, or artifact as well as the wanted level. Then, the calculator will show you the required amount of materials. Like the Interactive Map, this online calculator makes your farming work easier.

>>> Also Read: Where To Farm Ascension Materials For Gorou In Genshin Impact