Epic weapons in COD Mobile are always among the best guns in this game. They will help you win more battle royale matches to rank up quickly. Let's check them out and learn how to get epic weapons in COD Mobile below.

What is the Epic Weapon in COD Mobile?

COD Mobile weapons are divided into different groups based on their rarity. These groups are depicted by a specific color. The Epic group is depicted in purple. These epic weapons are among the best weapons in Call Of Duty Mobile. They are also rarer than many other weapon types, such as Common, Uncommon, and Rare.

COD Mobile has a lot of Mythic, Legendary, and Epic weapons.

Epic weapons are better than the weapons in the two groups of Rare and Uncommon in the battle royale mode. Therefore, it's also the answer to the question 'which is the best gun in Call of Duty mobile Battle Royale'. It's because Epic guns have better statistics in the effective range, accuracy, and damage, etc.

This game often updates new weapons and skins every season.

Best Epic Weapons in COD Mobile 2021

Here are the top five Epic weapons in COD Mobile season 4 in 2021. You can obtain these epic weapons from the Battle Pass season 4 now.

#1. Razorback Stirrup

This SMG is available in the Premium Pass level 1. Its mobility, rate of fire, and accuracy. Besides, the Stirrup skin has a special knock-out effect and impressive skin. It supports a quickdraw mag and grip to make it more stable and dangerous.

Razorback Stirrup is an epic SMG in COD season 4.

#2. RUS-79U - Wretched

RUS-79U is also an SMG that is designed for close fights. Therefore, it has a super high rate of fire and great mobility. The gun skin Wretched also offers a special knock-out effect. You can obtain it at level 10 in the Premium Pass.

RUS-79U is best designed for close combat.

#3. M4 - Spurred

This assault rifle is designed for both short and mid-range combat with an ideal effective range. In addition, it also has high mobility and an impressive rate of fire. Thus, this weapon deals great damage per second to the targets.

M4 is a powerful assault rifle designed for both short and mid-range combat

#4. AGR 556 - Western Crown

When reaching level 40 in the Premium Pass, players will get an AGR 556 with Western Crown skin. The skin of this weapon also produces a special effect when you knock down the enemies. This weapon is very powerful in close fights.

You can get an AGR 556 with Western Crown skin at BP level 40.

#5. MK2 - Brushstroke

This is the only sniper gun in this list of Epic guns in CODM season 4. It can be obtained when players reach the highest level of the Battle Pass. As a sniper gun, it has a higher effective range than four previous guns. Moreover, the damage per hit is very high.

MK2 Brushstroke is an epic sniper in season 4.

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How to get Epic Weapons in COD Mobile?

COD Mobile players can get Epic weapons from Battle Pass, Crates, Lucky Spins, and special events. Below are details of how to do so.

#1. Get Epic Weapons from Battle Pass

The first way to get these Epic weapons in COD Mobile is by purchasing the Battle Pass. These Epic weapons are only available in the Battle Pass of each season. The normal Battle Pass costs you 400CP. Or else, you can spend 800CP on the Battle Pass bundles to get all Epic rewards.

You can get some epic weapons from Battle Pass Season 4.

#2. Get Epic Weapons from Crates

Like other battle royale games, COD mobile also offers some crates with a lot of Epic items. Players also spend CP to buy crates and get lucky rewards insides. The prices of these crates range from 40 - 110CP per crate and 360 - 990CP per package of 10 crates.

There are many crates in COD mobile with lots of epic items.

#3. Get Epic Weapons from Lucky Spins

You can also get Epic weapons from lucky spins in COD Mobile. These lucky spins often have one or two Epic guns and a Legendary gun. The chance to get these weapon skins is pretty low. Besides, players also need to pay CP to spin.

There are many lucky spins in this game.

#4. Get Epic Weapons from In-game Events

The game developers of COD Mobile also introduced many events with plenty of rewards, including Epic weapons and skins. These events are often released on special holidays and celebrations, such as Halloween, Christmas, New Year, etc.

Players can also get Epic guns from in-game events.

What is the Best Weapon in COD Mobile?

For your information, Mythic is the best weapon type in COD Mobile. There are only three Mythic weapons in COD Mobile now. You can check them out in the Arsenal system in the game lobby. COD Mobile is said to become a pay-to-win game when releasing Mythic and Legendary weapons to buff weapons. Check out the best weapons in COD Mobile 2021 here.

#1. AS-Val Double Edge

AS-Val Double Edge is one of the newest weapon skins that cost players $300 to obtain. It buffs many statistics of this weapon and makes it very powerful. There are eight levels of this weapon with different effects that you can acquire when upgrading this weapon.

AS-Val Double Edge buffs many statistics of this weapon

For example, you will get AS-Val Double Edge attachment skins, exclusive sticker, epic flash muzzle, knock-out effect, event skins, exclusive ornament, and special muzzle effect.

#2. MK2 Peacekeeper

MK2 Peacekeeper is an epic weapon with insane accuracy, firing rate, and mobility. It also has eight levels with similar effects to obtain when you upgrade it. Weapon statistics are also buffed or nerfed when it's enhanced.

MK2 Peacekeeper is an epic weapon with insane accuracy, firing rate, and mobility.

#3. Fennec Ascended

This is the best weapon for close combat in COD Mobile with a mind-blowing rate of fire, super high mobility. However, it has a pretty low effective range, accuracy, and stability. Its damage is also low but the insane high firing rate makes its DPS still very high.

Those are the best Epic weapons in COD Mobile and the best guns in COD Mobile season 4.

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