Fir Wood is an essential ingredient in Genshin Impact. Players need it as one of the various wood to build their ideal home in New System: Serenitea Pot. Therefore, Fir Wood location Genshin Impact is a heated topic among players as of late.

You would not have to run around the map any longer because we will present you with this specific guide. Players will find Fir Wood Genshin Impact location in no time.

Genshin Impact 2
See the locations to find Fir Wood and how to harvest them in the best way possible.

What Fir Wood is used for

Before digging into Fir Wood location Genshin Impact, let’s not forget to learn what users make use of them for.

Fir Wood in Genshin Impact is used to make Furnishing in the Housing System. Additionally, it is among the seven kinds of vital wood to make specific Furnishing items.

It is one of the seven important wood types in Genshin Impact.

There are obviously a ton of different recipes to collect and we’re working on getting info on all of them so they can be shared.

Where to find Fir Wood in Genshin Impact

There are four locations of Fir Wood in Genshin Impact where you can find your demanded amount of wood. They are Qingyun Peak in Liyue, Brightcrown Canyon in Mondstadt,  Starfell Valley in Mondstadt, and Galesong Hill in Mondstadt as well. Here are the details of how you can find Fir Wood in Genshin Impact in these places!

1. Qingyun Peak, Liyue

There is a certain spot where players can seek fir wood and it is almost right at the teleport waypoint of Minlin Liyue. In case you cannot see it on your map, do not panick as you just have to do some searching on the road that connects Quil Plains and Qingyun Peak.

When you reach close to Minlin Liyue Statue of the Seven, stand on a bitty elevation. Moreover, while there presents a pond down the slope, a big rock is pouching behind players’ back. You can glide or dash towards the lower level that surrounds to bridge and water.

Qingyun Peak, Liyue

From then on, you will find fir trees exactly next to the bridge’s starting point. Apart from that, in case you are in need of more Fir Wood, follow the cliff wall away from the bridge.

In general, you will encounter a bunch of them if exploring this Fir Wood location Genshin Impact.

2. Brightcrown Canyon, Mondstadt

Fir Wood is everywhere in Mondtadt, but the most optimum point for Fir Wood Genshin Impact location is on Brightcrown Canyon. There are two spots in the north and south that have full of this wood. Players can simply dangle between them as there is a central location at the waypoint.

Mondstadt is a popular location of Fir Wood in Genshin Impact.

As wood respawns quite quickly in Genshin Impact, you may also switch between the two in case you want to farm as rapidly as possible.

That being said, Modnstadt is not just an idyllic place for Fir Wood hunting but also chest route and others.

3. Starfell Valley, Mondstadt

As an extra, Starfell Valley in Mondstadt’s east side is another great point when it comes to Fir Wood location Genshin Impact. In case you exhaust Brightcrown Canyon somehow, this is the next place to head to.

Starfell Valley, Mondstadt

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4. Galesong Hill, Mondstadt

And the last but not least location is Galesong Hill also in Mondstadt. If the Fir trees have the same logic like anything else, they will refresh themselves in about two days in the real world.

This is why you should hit all the areas as it will reduce the time you spend waiting for them to respawn.

Galesong Hill, Mondstadt

Fir Wood of Genshin Impact features dark green foliage that begins from the log’s lower level. That explains why they seem to appear more like shrubs comparing to other kinds of trees. In case you are not sure if you found the right tree, the trial and error are you whack it to see what falls out.

How to harvest Fir Wood in Genshin Impact

Harvesting Fir Wood is simple as everything you have to do is to strike the tree using your weapon. Afterward, a number of wood pieces will fall from it. You just continue to hit it until the trunks stop falling out and then change to another tree. In fact, they will not break or fall over.

Hit the Fir tree to obtain Fir wood.

Characters with wide, sweeping attacks are great for harvesting wood in Genshin Impact, such as polearm and sword users. Just remember you only get three pieces of wood per tree, so be sure to move on to the next tree once you’ve grabbed all three from your current target.

If truth be told, characters that have sweeping, wide attacks like sword users and polearm are ideal for wood harvesting in the game.

In case you have your own farming tips like optimal routes or character recommendations, make sure to share them in the comments below!

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