Genshin Impact Radiant Spincrystal is a Serenity Pot item that lets players unlock and play music in the Teapot Realm. You can pick up 24 Radiant Spincrystals in the open world and get them from Chubby. Check out all locations of Genshin Impact Radiant Spincrystals here.

I. Genshin Impact Radiant Spincrystal Location

There are 24 locations of Radiant Spincrystal locations in the open world. Go to these places and pick up the Spincrystals to unlock all music tracks in Genshin Impact now.

Get free Spincrystals in the open world to play music in the Serenitea Pot.

#1. Mondstadt

Mondstadt has eight Radiant Spincrystals, mainly around the City of Mondstadt and Dawn Winery.

Area Place Soundtrack
Dawn Winery
on a wooden barrel in the north, next to another barrel near the T-junction Dawn Winery Theme
on a cart in the southwest, outside the grape garden Lone Sojourner
on a lonely barrel in the south, near two carts and a heap of barrels Before Dawn, at the Winery
City of Mondstadt
on a wood crate in the southeasternmost city wall corner A Day in Mondstadt
on the rooftop of a random building lying among four buildings on the campus on the left of the city center Mondstadt Starlit
near the gravestones and a tree in the northwest of the Favonius Cathedral Windborn Hymn
in the northeastern side of Knight of Favonius's Headquarters rooftop Knights of Favonius
on a barrel in the northwest of Angel's Share Angel's Share
Get three Radiant Spincrystals in Dawn Winery and five ones in Mondstadt City.

#2. Liyue

There are three areas where you can find many Radiant Spincrystals in Liyue, including Liyue Harbor, Qingce Village, and Wangshu Inn.

Area Place Soundtrack
Liyue Harbor
in the north of the Reputation spot in Liyue Harbor Clear Sky Over Liyue
on a cabinet in an open restaurant in front of the Northland Bank Call it a Day in Liyue
on the hill in the southwest of the Bubu Pharmacy that Madame Ping faces Sun Rises in Liyue
Wangshu Inn
on a crate under a platform near a stall in the north of Wangshu Inn Cozy Leisure Time
on a crate in the grass area in the east of Wangshu Inn Flows of Jade-Like Water
on a wood crate on the northeastern dock Vague Whispers
Qingce Village
near Chang the Ninth Peaceful Hike
on a barrel on the right side of the watermill The Fading Stories
Liyue's Radiant Spincrystals are scattered in many locations.

#3. Inazuma

Inazuma City and North of Narukami Island are the two main areas to collect Genshin Impact Radiant Spincrystals in Inazuma.

Area Place Soundtrack
Inazuma City
on a crate on the wooden platform, close to the Statue of the Omnipresent God Streets of Elegance
on a crate on the slope near Komore Teahouse The Land of Her Serenity
North of Narukami Island
southeastern grass area on the peak of Grand Narukami Shrine Miko's Night
behind the big statue of Tanuki in the north of Chinju Forest The Mysterious Islands
on a short stone column near the 'j' letter in the south of Chinju Forest Kitsune's Mask
Northeast of Kamisato Estate Hanachirusato
on a rock in the southwest of Kamisato Estate Time to Say Farewell
on a rock near the letter 'r' in the middle of Chinju Forest Murmuring Creek
Inazuma also has eight Radiant Spincrystals.

II. How To Buy Buy Radiant Spincrystal

Apart from free Radiant Spincrystals in the open world, Genshin Impact players can also buy Spincrystals from Chubby in the Seneritea Pot world. He only appears on certain days of the week, from Friday to Sunday.

Each week, players can purchase two Spincrystals per week. The items in Chubby's shop are also refreshed every week, so you can get new Spincrystals every week. Each Spincrystal costs you 100 realm currencies.

You can buy 2 Radiant Spincrystals from Chubby per week.

III. How To Use Radiant Spincrystal

After getting the Radiant Spincrystal, you need to purchase Euphonium Unbound Furnishings in the Realm Depot of Tubby and place it in your Teapot world. There are two types of Euphonium Unbound Furnishings in Seneritea Pot, including:

  • Euphonium Unbound: Soaring for outdoor decoration;
  • Euphonium Unbound: Winding for indoor decoration.

Get to the Euphonium Unbound and interact with the furnishing, play unlocked soundtracks, and see which soundtrack you can unlock with the Radiant Spincrystal. Unlock the soundtrack, play, and change the music. Don't forget to wear headphones or increase the volume to enjoy the beautiful soundtracks you have obtained.

Use Radiant Spincrystals to unlock new soundtracks and play music in Serenitea Pot.

Those are all Genshin Impact Radiant Spincrystal locations and guide on how to use them. Just get these free items and enjoy the music.

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