Master Nest Pokemon Go is a Pokémon Go nest generator. Let's learn how to use it here. Besides, find the answer to the question 'what are the best Pokemons for great league PvP'?
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What is the Master Nest in Pokemon Go?
This is a Pokemon Nest generator that gives you a list of the top worldwide nests. These Pokemon nests are divided into six generations from Gen I to Gen VI and an extra GPX section. The GPX section allows players to create a custom route to get to the nest they want to play on.

When Pokemon trainers join the Discord of this generator's community, they can find rare Pokémon spawns, mini-games, organized raids, and lots of other interesting community activities. There are approximately 40 worldwide nesting species for international users. Besides, it also offers many nesting species in North Hemisphere only and South Hemisphere only.

How to use Master Nest Pokemon Go?
It's very easy to use Master Nest Pokemon Go. The homepage of Master Nest is a countdown clock showing you the time left until the next Nest Migration. It often updates Nest Migration periodically. Next, users choose the Nest Generation in 6 types, from Gen I to Gen VI.

In each generation, it offers many Pokemon types with Coordinate details and Locations. Besides, the GPX section lets players input Nest Coordinate. Then, this tool will give you nest route options if any for either Android smartphones or iPhones.
What are the best Pokemons for Great League PvP?
There are many Pokemons that help you win in Great League PvP. Here are the top 10 best Pokemons for Great League PvP you should know.
#10. Azumarill
This is a Pokemon of Fairy and Water types. This Pokemon has high a Stamina statistic and great Defense ability. However, you cannot catch it in the wild. This Pokemon is the evolved form of Marill. But before that, you need to catch an Azurill and evolve it to Marill with 25 candies.

#9. Galarian Stunfisk
This Ground- and Steel-type Pokemon also has great statistics. Mud Shot is the best quick move of this Pokemon. In addition, Earthquake and Rock Slide are the two best Charges of Galarian Stunfisk. With these moves, Galarian Stunfisk can play as a powerful tanker in Great League PvP.

#8. Venusaur
Venusaur has a better attack statistic than the two previous Pokemon. It's also the evolved Pokemon that you cannot catch in the wild. You need to evolve Bulbasaur to Ivysaur before evolving Ivysaur to Venusaur. The recommended quick moves to use in PvP are Vine Whip and Razor Leaf. Besides, Frenzy Plant and Sludge Bomb are ideal charged moves of this Grass/Poison-type Pokemon.

#7. Umbreon
The defense of this Dark-type Pokemon is really insane. It's nearly unbreakable at level 50. Snarl, Last Resort, and Dark Pulse are the best moves of Umbreon. You can try using the Master Nest Pokemon Go to locate the nest of this Pokemon if needed.

#6. Bastiodon
It's a dual Ground/Steel-type Pokemon that also has a great defense. You can obtain it by evolving Shieldon. Stone Edge, Flamethrower, and SmackDown are the best moves to use in the PvP league. With a great defense statistic, Bastiodon will be a solid wall in PvP battles.

#5. Registeel
This Steel-type Pokemon is known as one of the Legendary Titans in Pokemon Go with super high defense and lots of resistance. Flash Cannon and Focus Blast are the two most recommended Charged moves of Registeel. Besides, you should use the quick move Lock-On in PvP battles. This Pokemon is only weak when countering Pokemons of Fighting, Fire, and Ground types.

#4. Tropius
Tropius is also a Pokemon of two types: Grass and Flying. Unlike previous Pokemons, its defense statistic is not mind-blowing. However, it has an insane stamina statistic. As it has the strengths of both Grass-type Pokemon and Flying-type Pokemon, Tropius is stronger than single-type Pokemon in PvP battles. But you should be careful with Ice-type Pokemon.

#3. Altaria
This is a Pokemon of Dragon and Flying groups. All the statistics of this Pokemon are pretty balanced. Moreover, it has amazing resistance. That's why trainers should choose this Pokemon for Great League PvP battles. It has many powerful moves, such as Dragon Breath, Dragon Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, and Sky Attack.

#2. Sableye
Sableye is also a great choice for Great League battles thanks to its balanced defensive and offensive abilities. This is a reliable choice because of its Dark and Ghost types. But Sableye is weak when countering Pokemons of Fairy type. Shadow Claw is the best quick move for this Pokemon. In addition, Foul Play, Return, Power Gem, and Shadow Sneak are the four best Charge moves.

#1. Swampert
It's a strong Water/Ground-type Pokemon with super higher attack and stamina statistics. It's the evolved form of Marshtomp which is evolved from Mudkip. The best moves to win PvP battles with this Pokemon are Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon, Earthquake, and Sludge Wave. This strong Pokemon is a great threat to most Pokemon in PvP battles. But it's pretty weak to Grass-type Pokemon.

Those are things you should know about Master Nest Pokemon Go as well as the top 10 best Pokemon for Great League PvP.
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