Free Fire’s unique character/skill system is what makes the game stand out amongst other Battle Royales. However, it takes a step further by allowing players to mix and match four different character skills into one set – the player who can get the most synergies out of those skills would win the match. In the competitive environment of ranked mode, having the most optimal skills would be essential in winning the match. Below is our list for the top 10 characters in Free Fire that you have to pick in ranked mode.

1 – Alok

Top 10 Characters Of Free Fire

Skill: Drop the Beat – Create an aura that heals and increase movement speed for himself and his allies. Last 6 seconds.

Alok, a character based on the real-life Brazilian DJ with the same name, is generally considered the strongest character in Free Fire. His “Drop the Beat” skill is just too strong overall – it can be used in both offense and defense. Even your teammates would be able to get the benefits, with the skill being an aura.

2 – A124

Top 10 Characters In Free Fire

Skill: Thrill of Battle – Converts some EP into HP

A124 is a battle android with the ability to convert EP into HP instantly. This is one of the best solo abilities in the game, as gaining an extra 50 HP in a 1vs1 firefight is pretty much an auto-win. EP can be regained by consuming mushroom or using Miguel’s EP regeneration after each kill. The Shiba Inu pet can be pretty useful as well – it would help players to spot the mushrooms on the minimap.

3 – Rafael

Free Fire Top 10 Characters

Skill: Dead Silent – Hide your presence on the minimap for 8 seconds

Rafael’s ability is pretty much essential for any aspiring sniper. By hiding your presence on the minimap, enemies would not be able to spot the direction you are firing from or your current location at all. You can combo Rafael's ability with Laura's sharpshooter skill (+30% accuracy when scoped in) to get the best sniper build in the game.

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4 – Paloma

Top 10 Characters Of Free Fire

Skill: Arm dealing – Enable you to carry AR ammo without taking up space in your inventory

Paloma is the game’s AR specialist. However, her ability does not affect the strength of the gun itself – it instead gives you free slots in your inventory so that you can carry more useful items like heal or grenades. This ability is not to be underestimated - sometimes your one extra medkit would be able to save your life.

5 – Wolfrahh

Top 10 Characters In Free Fire

Skill: Limelight – Increase damage dealt to limbs at the cost of headshot damage

You can probably treat this as a 25% damage increase, pretty much. This works best with guns that primarily do body shots like Shotguns or SMGs. The 25% reduction in headshot damage is negligible, as headshots already deal a ton of damage anyway. For even more damage, this skill could be combined with Hayato's armor-piercing Bushido ability to deal maximum body damage per shot.

6 – Kapella

Free Fire Top 10 Characters

Skill: Healing Song – Increase the effects of healing and reduce the amount of HP an ally would lose when downed.

Kapella’s ability is super useful, especially when used in conjunction with other healing skills. Healing Song shines in squad mode the most – as knocked down teammates can be recovered with a decent amount of HP healed right away. This character is best for team games and the healer role - when combined with Alok, the healing aura would heal 55 HP instead of 50. The last piece of the puzzle might be Olivia - teammates revived by the Healing Touch / Healing Song combo would pretty much be at full HP.

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7 – Shani

Free Fire Top 10 Characters

Skills: Gear Recycle – Restore armor durability after every successful kill

This is a type of pseudo healing. After every kill, you would gain 20 armor durability - and the extra points can upgrade your current armor up to level 3. This ability get better the more fights you win – after getting enough kills, you would have too much armor for enemies to bring down. Perfect for rusher - you can pick this in a combination with Jota and Caroline's skill to create a specialized shotgun character.

8 – Notora

Top 10 Characters In Free Fire

Skill: Racer’s Blessing – Restore HP for teammates and self when driving in a vehicle

Notora’s skill is best for people who prefer to avoid fighting by driving around in a vehicle – or a support ability in a squad match. As long as the one who drives the car has this ability, everyone in the team would get their HP to full eventually – at max level, Racer’s blessing heal 5HP/2s. You can also pick Misha's skill as well - this driver combo would be super useful in team games.

9 – Alvaro

Top 10 Characters Of Free Fire

Skill: Art of Demolition – Increase damage and range of explosives

Alvaro is a great character if you know how and when to spam your explosives – his skill increases damage from grenades, oil barrels, land mines and even vehicle explosions. As those things already deal a lot of damage, the 16% increase could definitely make a lot of differences.

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10 – Joseph

Free Fire Top 10 Characters

Skill: Nutty Movement – Increase movement speed when taking damage

This skill can be pretty effective when you need to retreat from a losing fight or rotate to another cover in a 1vs1 battle. Outside the safe zone, it would provide a constant bonus of 20% movement speed – you can use this in conjunction with Ford’s skill to brave the death zone and come out alive. With this combination, you can spend ages outside of the first zones to loot or backstab enemies.

Top 10 Characters In Free Fire: Verdict

When building a skill set, its best to get an array of skills that complement each other and your own playstyle. If you don't want to waste your time, just get any combinations on this list.

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