Free Fire's main method of monetization is cosmetics: from gun skins to apparel to costume bundles. These items can be unlocked by either playing events or buying with diamonds. All characters in Free Fire have their own exclusive costume bundles - they are the iconic outfits that they wear in the story. Players have to purchase them separately.

In this article, we are going to list out the top 5 best character bundles ever released in Free Fire.

1 - Chrono's Bounty Hunter bundle

Cost: 1199 diamonds

Chrono is still one of the most popular ever released in Free Fire, despite the big nerf to his ability in OB27. His unique costume set is called the Bounty Hunter bundle - Chrono would perform a unique animation when equipped with it.

Chrono's Bounty Hunter Bundle
Chrono's Bounty Hunter bundle

The bundle would give you the top, bottom and shoes of the set, along with 900 universal fragments. The set definitely looks futuristic, with various glowing parts on his armor and shoes. The best piece is the trenchcoat top, as it gives the player a "matrix" vibe.

That's why Chrono's is always among the most hunted Free Fire character bundles till date.

2 - DJ Alok's Beat Composer bundle

Cost: 1199 diamonds

DJ Alok, the staple in top-tier Free Fire, is currently both the most powerful and popular character. However, despite the fact that a lot of players own him, not many have his Beat Composer bundle.

DJ Alok's Beat Composer bundle

The bundle has four pieces: glasses, top, bottom and shoes. Upon purchase, you also receive 900 universal fragments. The best piece of the bundle is again the top - it is a pretty stylish jacket.

3 - Shirou's Hurricane Delivery bundle

Cost: 899 diamonds

Being one of the more popular character releases in Free Fire, Shirou's bundle definitely has some fans. While the outfit looks fairly tame, the special animation it displays in the lobby and spawn island is the best.

Shirou's Hurricane Delivery bundle

This Free Fire character bundle contains three pieces: top, bottom and shoes, along with 900 universal fragments.

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4 - Skyler's Superstar bundle

Cost: 899 diamonds

This bundle was previously released as a free reward in a top-up event when Skyler was first released. However, it is a limited offer - players have to buy Skyler's bundle from the store now. Upon purchase, players will receive 900 universal fragments.

Skyler's Superstar bundle

The bundle consists of 4 pieces: top, bottom, shoes and mask. Overall, it is a pretty dashing white suit, from top to bottom. Suits like this are actually pretty rare in Free Fire character bundles. If you want the set to look good, you need to wear all clothing pieces of the bundle excluding the mask.

5 - Steffie's Graffiti bundle

Cost: 899 diamonds

The best part about Steffie's Graffiti bundle is the animations that it offers. Once equipped, it would play automatically in the lobby and spawn island. With Steffie being a less popular character, not many people have this bundle.

Steffie's Graffiti bundle

The Graffiti bundle has three pieces: top, bottom and shoes. Upon purchase, players will get an extra 900 universal fragments. The set looks decent but nothing special, with the skirt being the best part overall.

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