Garena Free Fire features a character system with more than 40 different characters, each with a unique ability that will aid you in combats. You can get characters in Free Fire in the in-game store with Diamonds or Gold.

Since it is quite expensive to buy characters in Free Fire with Diamonds, using Gold is the simplest way for you to get a character. There are actually quite a lot of options for you to choose from in the shop to buy with Gold. In this article, we will show you the top 5 best characters that cost less than 8,000 Gold in the OB27 update.

1. Hayato (8,000 Gold)

In the OB27 update, Hayato Awaken has gotten a huge buff. His Awaken skill has turned into a passive skill and merged with his original skill. Now he has both armor penetration and frontal damage reduction whenever his HP drops low, making him one of the best characters to have in this update.

Hayato Awaken is one of the best characters in Free Fire OB27 update.

2. Kelly (2000 Gold)

Same as Hayato, Kelly Awaken got a big buff this patch. You will have both the movement speed increase and the damage bonus after sprinting for 4 seconds.

Kelly Awaken got a big buff in Free Fire OB27

>>> Read more: Top 5 Abilities To Combo With Kelly 'The Swift'

3. Moco (8,000 Gold)

Moco has always been one of the best Free Fire characters for you to purchase with Gold. Her skill lets you mark the enemy after you hit them, allowing you to hunt them down easily.

Moco can track the location of the enemy she shot.

4. Antonio (8,000 Gold)

Antonio is another great basic character you can buy with Gold. His skill gives you 35 Max HP at the max level, which is useful in pretty much every situation and skill combos.

Antonio can give you 35 Max HP at the start of the match.

5. Miguel (8,000 Gold)

Miguel is an important part of many healing combos in Free Fire because his skill provides an enormous amount of EP for you after each kill.

Miguel can offer a lot of healing power.

>>> Check more Free Fire news & tips on Free Fire: Free Fire: New Maro Character Will Be Given For Free