Pistols are among the most underrated weapons in PUBG Mobile where ARs and SMGs are more preferred. But pistols can save your life and help you overcome some panic situations. Here are the 5 best pistols in PUBG Mobile and Battlegrounds Mobile India.
#5. P1911
P1911 uses 45ACP ammo which has a higher bullet penetration rate than other types of ammo. Therefore, it has higher base damage. This pistol can hold 7 to 12 bullets per load. This pistol offers only one firing mode: single. Therefore, it's only effective in the early stage of the match when enemies haven't finish looting. But this gun has attachment slots for an extended mag, holographic sight/red dot, and silencer.

#4. P18C
This pistol has pretty low base damage. But its mag can hold 17 - 25 bullets per load. Moreover, this pistol offers a full-auto firing mode to make its DPS higher. You should always bring it in the pistol weapon slot to defend when both primary and secondary weapons run out of ammo.

#3. Sawed-Off
This is the only PUBG Mobile shotgun categorized in the pistol type. It can function as an S686 but its base damage is higher due to its shorter barrel. The base damage of this pistol is 80HP per hit which is the highest damage point in this weapon category. Besides, this pistol has only one attachment slot for the choke. You should only use the Sawed-off in the early stage of the match. It can hold only 2 bullets per load and the reload duration is also long.

#2. Desert Eagle
Desert Eagle has a high base damage point of 62HP per hit. Therefore, you can take down an enemy with a level-3 helmet in two shots to the head. If the enemy wears a level-1 helmet, one headshot is enough to finish him. That's why it's one of the best pistols in PUBG Mobile and Battlegrounds Mobile India.

It makes this gun more preferred despite its high recoil and low rate of fire. Moreover, the effective range of Desert Eagle reaches 100 meters but it's more useful and powerful in face-to-face combat or indoor combat. Like P1911, this pistol also uses .45ACP ammo.
#1. Skorpion
This is the best pistol in PUBG Mobile and Battlegrounds Mobile India that can be used as a submachine gun. It has a lot of advantages, such as full-auto firing mode, large ammo capacity, and more attachment slots. You can use a foregrip to make it more stable and reliable. It also has a slot for an extended mag to increase the number of bullets per load from 20 to 40.

Moreover, you can also attach a holographic sight/red dot, silencer, and stock. The maximum effective range of Skorpion is 500 meters. Therefore, it's more useful in the first circle and the last circle. You can use it as a secondary weapon in close combat.
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