It feels as though there is almost unanimous agreement in the Free Fire community that the Kalahari map sucks. For some time now, the map has been receiving a lot of hate on social media about its current design, especially in ranked matches.
In this article, we would list out the reasons this map is often criticized by the fans and sometimes even skipped in tournaments.
1 - The orange palette is awful
Apparently, the main tone of the map (half orange, half brown) is just hard to look at. It is completely different from the more vivid colors present in Bermuda and Purgatory. If you get shot, because of the color pallete, you have to take a long time to identify who is shooting because the color of the target is practically the same color as the map - orange.
It is especially frustrating for players who play aggressively or want to rush, while players who turtle and camp don't have to worry as much.
2 - Where are all the loots?
Loot placements on Kalahari are pretty weird - big locations and towns have a much higher spawn rate for good weapons than any other places on the map - you need to land into a named place to be able to get good weapons.
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3 - Beware the high grounds
As you know, Kalahari is surrounded by mountains. Not only that, but it also allows players to use hooks to climb towers and is much more elevated than the other two maps. This often leads to situations where you are inside a building looking for loot, then the next second you are on the ground, taken out by someone with high ground advantage.
When on the high ground, going prone or crouch would render you near impossible to be hit by enemies... and there are a lot of this on Kalahari.
4 - The lack of covers
Kalahari is fairly large - the whole thing has a lot of open space and not many covers. While this is not bad by itself, when combined with the abundance of vantage points, players can expect to get sniped very frequently.
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