The HD trilogy of GTA is fairly old in both graphics and gameplay. According to recent GTA remastered triology leaks, the upcoming game will include a few quality of life features from GTA 5. In this article, we are going to showcase the top five GTA 5 features that should be added to GTA Remastered Trilogy.

1. Automatic regeneration

Most modern shooters have automatic regeneration to some degree. However, the original GTA Trilogy does not have this feature. All three games in GTA Remastered Trilogy are action-packed, therefore, a feature that allows limited automatic regeneration would be ideal.

GTA combat can be frustrating sometimes, especially if you go unprepared for a quest. When that happens, the automatic regeneration feature would trigger and let players enjoy the game more without having to die over and over.

Some automatic regeneration would make the game much less frustrating to play.

2. Shooting while driving

Shooting while driving is actually pretty limited in the previous GTA games. Players on a motorbike can only shoot in 3 directions... while those in other vehicles can only do it in 2. Furthermore, you can't use any other types of guns other than SMGs for this task.

Overall, this weird limit should be removed in GTA Remastered trilogy. Allowing players to use more weapons on a vehicle is a good start.

Race fights are considered the worst part of the older GTA games.

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3. Weapon wheel

The weapon wheel is one of the more convenient aspects of GTA 5. It allows players to swap their current weapons quickly and conveniently. The old GTA games do not have this. Instead, they require players to swap between weapons manually.

By adding the weapon wheel to GTA Remastered Trilogy, players will be able to switch between weapons quickly based on the situation at hand. This will allow fights to become much more immersive.

The weapon wheels simplify combat greatly.

4. Manual reloads

In the older GTA games, players need to spend all ammo or swap between weapons to reload. This is an unacceptable design in 2021 and is super inconvenient. By allowing manual reload, players would be able to prepare their weapons for combat at a moment's notice. Running out of ammo at a crucial time can result in dire consequences.

The lack of manual reloads also make the game less immersive.

Manual reloads are one of the mandatory features in all modern shooters.

5. Cover system

The Cover system is one of the best features in GTA 4 that was carried over to 5. In the old GTA HD Trilogy, players can only place their characters manually behind cars or other objects. This is not a "true cover" and not nearly as immersive as the cover system in the later GTAs.

Overall, the addition of the cover system would freshen up the gameplay greatly. It will even make the new games seem different from the original titles.

The cover system will differentiate the remaster from the original.

While waiting for the official launch of the game, find out more about GTA Trilogy: Definitive Edition System Requirements For PC Leaked