Villagers make Minecraft more crowded and realistic. No one wants to live in an empty world alone. Therefore, Minecraft allows players to spawn villagers. Check out this guide on how to spawn villagers in Minecraft.
Table of Contents
How to get a villager to spawn in an empty village
There are three ways to spawn a villager in Minecraft, including generating villagers naturally, curing a zombie villager and summoning a villager from scratch. Based on the edition you are playing, choose the best way to spawn a villager in the game.
Natural Generation
You can find naturally generated villagers in NPC villages. Minecraft adventurers need to locate and find the way to these natural villages to capture a villager. A natural village will have all jobs and skillful workers of these careers. To increase the population of the villagers, you can learn how to breed villagers in Minecraft.

Cure A Zombie Villager
Zombie villager is a special variant of Minecraft villager. These zombie villagers are the infected versions of normal villagers who have been turned into zombies. However, you can still cure them to have a normal villager. The required ingredients to cure a zombie villager include a Golden Apple and a Potion of Weakness.

Summon A Villager
Players in Java Edition can summon a villager in an empty village easily by using the in-game command. What is the command to spawn a village in Minecraft? - This is the /summon command. You only need to type it when playing the game by pressing T on PC, D-pad on the controller, the chatbox button on Android. After opening the chat window, copy and paste the command there. Make sure that you enable the cheat mode in the game setting.

How to find villages in Minecraft
According to the guide on how to spawn villagers in Minecraft, you can find many villagers when you arrive in a village in this sandbox world. To locate a nearby village in Minecraft quickly, you can use commands /locate Village or the online village finder such as Chunkbase.
To use that app, players only need to enter the seed of your world and choose the App label 'Village' to locate the nearest villages in your world. Double click on the mark of the village to check the coordinate of the village on the map. You can walk or teleport there to reach the village in an eye blink.

5 variants of villages in Minecraft
You can also find a village based on its normal location. Villages often spawn in plains, taiga, savanna, desert biomes, and snowy tundra. Moreover, villager's appearance and the spawn rates also depend on their village variants and biomes.
- Desert-style villages spawn in the Desert biome.
- Snow-style villages appear in the Snowy Tundra biome.
- Taiga-style villages spawn in the Taiga biome.
- Plain-style villages can be found in Plains, Sunflower plains, and Mountain Meadow.
- Savanna-style villages are located in the Savanna biome.
Each village will have huts, houses, libraries, wells, farms, shops, churches, blacksmiths, etc. Then, a village often has many villager variants.

6 variants of villagers in Minecraft
There are six variants of villagers in Minecraft, including the zombie variant that you need to spawn a normal villager. Let's learn about them and other villager variants.
Zombie villagers
When a villager is infected, he turns into a zombie villager. Then, this zombie can infect the zombie virus to other villagers by killing them. You can find zombie villagers in the Overworld, abandoned villages, and igloos. Go there and find them to spawn a villager.

This villager variant is not hospitable and friendly at all. You will counter them in some woodland mansions or pillager outposts with many illager patrols and raids. These illagers were outcasted from villages and turns into evils. That's why their behaviors are pretty violent.

Like illagers, witches are also a type of hostile villager-like mobs. You can also find them in the Overworld. But don't waste your time capturing this villager variant because they cannot turn back into a normal villager after they have evolved into a witch.

Wandering Traders
Like other villages in the real world, Minecraft villages also have some wandering traders. These traders often spawn near your house to sell and buy things on your farm. You can purchase some items you need from these traders. However, these wandering traders cannot help you build a village.

NPC villagers are most similar to real players. They can also chat with you and turn their heads left and right like a player. However, these NPCs can't move. You can not push to make them leave their position. However, an NPC will drop if the block under their foot is broken.

Normal Villagers
Normal villagers will be in charge of doing some jobs in the village, such as farmers, fishermen, armorers, toolsmiths, librarians, etc. These villagers do different works and make a lively village in this sandbox world. You can also breed and raise these villagers in your village to produce food, raise armies, etc.
Those are all about villages, villagers, and how to spawn villagers in Minecraft. Let's build your own village and make a living world in this game.
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Den Mark 2023-07-24 21:22:49
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