Amazon Game Studios has released the 1.01 update for New World. This update mostly focuses on bug fixing and playing experience improvement so players can join the queue faster in crowned servers as well as having smoother gameplay. Let's check out the details of the New World Update Patch Notes 1.0.1 below.

General updates in New World 1.0.1
Here are all the changes in the New World Update Patch Notes 1.0.1 to improve the queue.
Turret projectiles in War now use hit scan detection to reduce the number of objects, thus improving the performance.
AFK prevention
A few features have been added so players cannot stay AFK, especially in higher population servers:
- Simulated mouse movement will not be able to trick the AFK detection system.
- AFK warning message is shortened to 15 minutes.
- Players will disconnect after 20 minutes of AFK.
World Queue
Add a confirmation message when players quit the queue to prevent accidental leaves.

New World Update bug fixes
Being one of the hottest PC games in 2021 doesn't mean New World is perfect. It is reported to experience a variety of bugs and lag though. That's why devs spend a huge amount of time working on these nuisances in this update. Here is the list of all the bugs that were fixed in the New World Update Patch Notes 1.0.1.
General fixes
- The interact key not working on many objects as intended.
- Barrel not appearing during “Pirate Stance” emote.
- Players not getting coins from some activities.
- Canceling fast traveling causes players to stuck inside a house.
- Missing localized texts in Territory Standing rewards.
- Claim achievement titles notifications bug.
- A rare bug that causes players to be immune from most attacks.
- Freezing leg animation.
- New World Twitch integrations cause the game to crash.
- Certain item containers can be looted infinitely.
- Abandoning event notification sometimes does not disappear.
AI fixes
- A bug causes Pastor Walsh to spawn aggressively at the Walsham point of interest.
- Less enemies spawn in the Bullrush Wash than intended,
- Overseer Zane respawns slower in the "Something to Prove" quest. than intended.
- A bug causes Master Zindt to have duplicated respawns at the Kannan Tomb point of interest.
Quest fixes
- Missing journal information about the recommended level of the quest to unlock the second faction rank added.
- Resetting the “Blessings of Earth” quest causes players not to be able to continue the Main Story Quest.
- Players can not complete "Azoth Fulminate" quest if they completed other Windsward quests first.
- Players cannot obtain the "Descent to Frosted Slumber" and "Transmuting Iron to Dust" quests when completed the "Facets of Light and Darkness" quest.
- Players cannot obtain the "Blessings of the Fallen" quest when completed the "Strength of the Earth" quest.
- Players cannot obtain the "Twisted Metamorphosis" quest when completed the "Blessings of the Fallen" quest.
- Players cannot obtain the "One Threat at a Time" quest when completed the "The Expedition into Saircor" quest.
- Players cannot obtain the “Bond’s Gambit” quest when completed the “Curse of Ebony Hawk” quest.
- Players cannot obtain the "Predator, Prey" and "Great Expectations" quests when completed the "Taste for Revenge" quest.
- Players cannot obtain the “Arruda Jam” quest when completed the “Goodwill Squashing” quest.
- Players cannot obtain quests from the barkeep in First Light.
>>> Read more: Top 5 Tips To Level Up Faster In New World