The Sword Art Online series is a famous fantasy novel where the main character, Kirirto is trapped in a virtual reality MMORPG world called Aincrad. Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris is set after the event of the Sword Art Online Alicization series. Kirito is trapped in a virtual world called "Underworld" this time, where the A.I can think and act like actual humans. You can check out the release trailer of Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris below.
The main task of Kirito in this world is to find his friend Alice. He will be traveling through this virtual world with Eugeo and discover places they have never seen before like the Vizeah Valle or the Mildea Plains.
Of course, their journey won't be smooth at all. They will meet enemies along the way, including the Integrity Knights. So far, three knights have been confirmed to be in the game Eldrie Synthesis Thirty-one, Fanatio Synthesis Two, and Deusolbert Synthesis Seven.
In the trailer, we also get to see the main villain of the game Quinella. She is the Axiom Church High Minister and the Administrator of this world.
Key features:
- The game stays true to the original series. Kirito wakes up in a virtual world where he and his new friend Eugeo go on an adventure.
- All the favorite characters of the series are included in the game such as Alice, Administrator, Eugeo, Kirito,Asuna...
- The theme of the game is the Lycoris flower, which represents sad memories, passion, and reunion.
Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris will be released on May 22, 2020, for Xbox One, PS4, PC (Steam).