Free Fire is one of the biggest battle royale games on mobile in the world. The game has hundreds of millions of players from all around the world. Each player who registered has a unique Free Fire account of their own that stores all the information about their performance, items, Diamonds, Golds,...

Since there are so many players in Free Fire, there are also a lot of scammers and hackers who are trying to take away your precious account. Also, sometimes unexpected problems might happen and they might cause you to lose your account forever.

Here in this article, we will show you important information you need to know to prevent unexpected accidents and protect your account.

1. Critical Information You Need To Know About Your Free Fire Account

Log-in Options

Free Fire offers 3 ways for players to register and log in to their account

Free Fire offers 3 ways for players to register and log in to their account: Guest, Facebook, Google.

  • Guest: With this option, you don't need to fill in any information at all when you register for your Free Fire account. Your account information will be store locally on your phone. This log-in option is convenient for players who just want to try out the game first.
  • Facebook/ Google: With these 2 options, your account will be bind to your Facebook/ Google account and you can log in to your Free Fire account on any device. These 2 are the recommended options for all Free Fire players to secure their account the best.

Free Fire ID

Free Fire ID consists of 10 numbers. Do not confuse Free Fire ID with your Account Name. Each Free Fire account is assigned to a unique ID when they were created and it can't be changed. Meanwhile, you can change your account name using the Name Changer card.

In order to receive a giveaway, redeem a code or reporting problems, you need to know your Free Fire ID

In order to receive a giveaway, redeem a code, or reporting problems, you need to know your Free Fire ID. You can find your Free Fire ID by tapping on your name on the top right of your screen in the main lobby.

Other people can use your Free Fire ID to add friends, invite you to play with, invite you to the custom lobby, or see your stats.

2. How To Delete Free Fire Guest Account

When you want to change your phone, you will need to delete your Guest account from the old phone so other people can't use it. Here, we will guide you step by step on how to delete your Guest account but remember that you won't be able to undo it once the process is finished.

Here are 2 methods to delete your Free Fire Guest Account.

Method 1: Clear Free Fire data

This is a very easy method and you only need a few simple tips to do it. You will delete all the data of Free Fire along with your Free Fire Guest Account as well but it doesn't that matter if you are changing your phone.

  • Go to Settings
  • Click on ‘Apps’ / ‘Manage Apps’
  • Find Free Fire on the apps list

  • Select Clear Data and wait.
  • Now open Fire Fire and wait until the game finishes downloading missing data.

Method 2: Use a File Manager app

This method is a little more complicated but you will be able to wipe your Free Fire Guest data without erasing the data of Free Fire. If don't have a File Manager app, you can go to Google Play Store and download Root Explorer for free.

Delete Free Fire Guest Account using File Manager

Here are the steps to delete your Free Fire Guest account with a Root Explorer.

  • Open the Explorer app and enter your internal storage.
  • Locate the com.garena.msdk folder.
  • You will find a .dat file in the folder, which is your Free Fire account data.
  • Now just close everything and open Free Fire.
  • You will be asked to create a new character when tapping on Guest Account.

3. How To Recovery Free Fire Guest Account

When using a Free Fire Guest account, you suffer from a great risk of losing your account when you lose your phone, lose your data, break your phone,... Since most data of your Guest account is stored in the local storage of your phone and not the Free Fire server, it is much harder to recover your Free Fire Guest Account from such incidents.

Here, we will show you how to contact Garena to recover your Free Fire Guest Account.

  • First, visit the Free Fire Support Center through this link:
  • Choose Summit a Request on the bar.
  • Choose Game Concerns. Fill in your email address, your Server, choose Technical Issue and then describe your problem with as many details about your account as possible.
Submit a request to Garena to recover your guest account

Note that this will not 100% work because as we mentioned, your Free Fire Guest Account is stored on the local storage of your device. Even if you can get your account back, it is likely that you might lose some items, Diamonds.

Once again, the best way to secure your Free Fire Account is by binding it to a Facebook or Google account so it can be stored in Free Fire servers.

Bind your Free Fire Account to Facebook, Google, VK is the best way to protect it

Also check out: How To Bind Free Fire With Facebook, Google, VK To Protect Your Account

4. How To Recovery Suspended Free Fire Account

Things that might get you banned in Free Fire

There are many things in Free Fire that might get you banned, from being toxic to your teammates to using cheats. Here we will first show you all the reasons that might get you banned in Free Fire:

  • Unauthorized Programs: If you use a third-party program that interferes with the game while playing you will get banned, doesn't matter if it gives you in-game advantages or not.
You will get banned in Free Fire if you use third-party software while playing Free Fire
  • Modifying game data/ Hacking: If Garena detects any change you make to the game client/ data/ servers, your account and device will get banned permanently.
  • Bug Abuse: Players who abuse bugs in the game multiple times instead of reporting it to Garena will get punished depending on the severity of their actions. You can be one day, one week, and up to a permanent ban.
  • Verbal Abuse: The game allows players to trash talk to a certain degree. However, there are some things you should never touch upon such as insulting other people's race, gender, nationality, religion, etc. You might be banned temporarily or muted for doing that. Reference on terrorism will get your account banned permanently.
  • Teaming: Teaming is actually not that different from cheating. Teaming can result in a rank reset or even a permanent ban depending on the number of times you do it. If you teaming with a hacker, you will receive heavier punishment.

How To Recovery Suspended Free Fire Account

If you only get banned temporarily for a few days or for a week for things such as Bug Abuse then you should just wait until the ban duration end. If you use cheat software or modify game data and get permanently banned then there is no way to recover your account.

However, if you didn't do anything that violates the rule and still gets banned then you can follow these steps below to contact Garena Support to unban your Free Fire account.

  • First, go to the official support website of Garena through this link:
  • Choose Summit a Request on the bar.
  • Choose Game Concerns. Fill in your email address, your Server, choose Technical Issue.
  • Now type in a description about your ban with your Free Fire ID and ask them to look into it.
  • It should take them about a few days to review your case and if you didn't anything wrong, you should get your account back. The more detail you provide, the faster the process will be.

Also check out: Free Fire Suspended Account Recovery 2020: Guide On How To Unban Your Account And Devices

5. How To Unban Free Fire Device

Sometimes Garena will ban your device from playing Free Fire and not only your account. That means you will not able able to play Free Fire on that device anymore even though you create a new account to use another account.

This is a heavy ban from Garena that is only applied to players who use cheat software many times. This ban is to make sure that the cheater won't be able to create a new account and keep cheating without having to buy a new phone.

If you are sure you didn't violate any rules of the game, you can use the step above to contact Free Fire support to unban your account.

You can also try these methods below to unban your device if you just want to play a new account.

Method 1: Change the SIM card

You can unban your device by changing your SIM card

You can unban your device just by simply changing to a new SIM card. Here is how to do it step by step:

  • Get a new SIM card and change it on your phone.
  • Turn off your network data and turn on the airplane mode on your phone to block all connections.
  • Go to Setting -> App -> Free Fire to Force Stop Free Fire and Clear Data.
  • Now you can turn on your network data like normal.
  • Open Free Fire and you should be able to use a new account to log in.

Method 2: Change the IMEI of your phone

If the above method does not work, you try to change the IMEI of your phone. Most bans target the IMEI of a device so this method should work well but it is a little bit more complicated. Here is how you do it step by step.

  • Download Device ID changer app from Google Play Store.
  • Follow the instruction in the app to change the IMEI of your phone.
  • When the process is done, restart your phone.
  • Now you should be able to play Free Fire on that device again.

6. Protect Your Free Fire Account From ID Hack

There are people out there who would try many tricks to scam your Free Fire account and they might even able to take away for Facebook/ Google account as well. These scams appear in many different forms and it is impossible for Garena to protect users from all of them.

So that why you need to educate yourself about these scams so you won't fall for them and lose your precious Free Fire account that you have been investing so much into. Here we will introduce you to the most common types of scams online and how you can detect them.

Fake Facebook log-in page scam

Since many people connect their Free Fire account with their Facebook account. hackers target their Facebook account to take away their Free Fire account. This is one of the oldest scams on the internet, but many people still fall for it because they haven't encountered it yet.

Basically, the hacker creates a website with the same exact interface as the log-in page of Facebook. But while the interface of these websites is the same, they can tell that it is a fake website by looking at the URL of it.

You need to check the URL of a site to see if it the real Facebook or not

People who enter the website thought that it was the real Facebook page and enter their account name and password, exposing their information to the hacker. The hacker will then change the password of the account and take it away easily.

Hackers often spam scam link on the world chat and in your inbox

Most of the time, hackers will spam the link of the fake website on Free Fire world chat or your inbox, saying that you will get free items if you log in. To avoid these scams, never enter a link from a stranger anywhere. This includes places such as the Youtube comment section, email,...

Fake Free Fire Support

This is another very common type of scam that you might encounter. Here is how this scam work.

The hacker will pretend to be Free Fire Support by naming their account Garena, GarenaFreeFire, FreeFireSupport, and such then they will send you a message to inform you of something urgent such as your account has violated the terms of Garena and will be banned unless you send them your log-in information.

Some hackers fake ban message to steal other people's information

When reading these kinds of messages, many players would be panic and send them all their log-in information right away without thinking and lose their account to them.

You need to remember that Free Fire Support will NEVER ask for any of your private information ever. If they do, they are definitely fake and you need to block them immediately.

Fake Free Fire Diamonds Generator

Every Free Fire player loves Diamonds. Diamonds can buy you pretty much everything and they can make you look cool and more powerful in battles. That why many Free Fire players go look for Free Fire Diamonds Generators with the hope to get unlimited Diamonds and buy whatever they want.

Free Fire Diamonds Generator websites are created by scammers

But the sad truth is that there are no such things as a Free Fire Diamonds Generator. Most of the websites you find on the internet were made by scammers to lure hungry Free Fire players. Normally, they will just make you click on their ads to make money for them while giving you back nothing. But some websites will even take away your Free Fire account by telling you to fill in your account information.

I can assure you that 100% Free Fire Diamonds Generator on the internet is fake and they won't give you even 1 Diamonds no matter what you do.

If you don't believe it, check out a few articles of us where we tried those Free Fire Diamonds Generator ourselves. The results were quite predictable, we had nothing in return but endless ads and human verification surveys.

Also check out: Is Free Fire ID Hack Possible? The Truth About Free Fire ID Hack You Need To Know!