Emotes are pretty important in Free Fire - it lets you express yourself without having to go through a lengthy process of chatting or talking. Currently, there are 58 emotes in Free Fire, each with their own unique style and attributes. In this article, we would list out the top 10 Free Fire best Emotes that you must get.
Before getting to the main list, there are 4 honorable mentions: Provoke, LOL, Hello and Applause

As we all know, emotes are for expressing emotions, and these 4 actions are probably the most common things to do in Free Fire. Popping the Hello Emote when getting into a room, Applause when seeing something cool, laugh when seeing something funny and provoke when seeing rivals.
Some of the emote in this list while looking cool, doesn't have a real meaning and therefore isn't as good as the above 4 basic emotes.
Free Fire Best Emotes
10 - Death Glare
While Death Glare does not summon any new items for your character to play with, it makes your character do a backward flip while standing, which is super cool. The action is really fast as well, which would definitely surprise people nearby.

This emote summons a BOOYAH message right above your head, with a glorious golden glow shining behind it. Overall, it is a perfect emote to summon to celebrate your victory. The player character also do a pretty dynamic pose.

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8 - Doggie
A perfect emote for animal lovers. When active, a cute doggie would be summoned and your character would dance along with the little guy. In the end, both of them would point at the screen. Overall, while this emote doesn't show much meaning, the sequence is really cute and funny.

7 - Why? Oh Why?
There are emotes to showcase your victory... and there are appropriate emotes to showcase your defeat as well. As Free Fire is a battle royale, most of the time you would not be able to win (even the best players have only like 25% win rate) so this "kneeling in anguish" emote is more useful than you would have expected.

6 - I Heart You
I love you is one of the simplest emote in the game, with the character creates a pink holographic heart with their hand. Saying love is definitely a big part of every game - and this emote would definitely be useful in your arsenal.

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5 - Threaten
When performing the Threaten emote, your character would bring their hand to their neck and do a motion that implies they would kill their enemies by decapitation. Overall, a super cool emote to have - activate it to challenge people.

4 - Tea Time
This emote would summon a table made of light that your character can sit on to drink tea... from a cup that's also made of light. Tea Time looks cool and that's about it - not much could be deciphered from your character's action.

3 - Captain Booyah
Captain Booyah is pretty much 3 emotes combined into 1. Firstly, your character would raise his right hand to display a logo of K made of light. Afterward, he would raise his left hand to display a Booyah! message, which is also made of light. Finally, your character would bring his hand up to summon fireworks on both sides. Overall, this is a super flashy and long emote, worthy of the third position.

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2 - Pirate Flag
This emote would have your character summon a super cool pirate flag and plant it on the ground. The flag is super cool - it is black with a pirate emblem and decorated with a skull wearing a pirate hat. Furthermore, the flag is also on fire as well. Overall, one of the coolest looking emotes you could get in the game.

1 - FFWC Champion
The FFWC Champion emote is probably the best emote in the game to date. When activated, the player character would summon a giant golden throne decorated with golden weapons. From top to bottom are the AK, M4A1, SCAR and AN94. Overall, it is a fitting prize for a champion - best used when you win. Your character's pose on the throne is pretty interesting as well - it is a "looking down on people" pose that rulers often use to look at subjects.

Overall, the above emotes are the best ones. If you want to know more about Free Fire best emotes in real life, please check out this below video.
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