Genshin Impact Seed Dispensary is a useful gadget for gardening in Serenitea Pot. You can save a lot of currencies for purchasing plant seeds in the Serenitea Pot Depot by using this gadget to collect seeds. Check out this guide on how to get and use this item in Genshin Impact here.

I. How To Get Genshin Impact Seed Dispensary

Genshin Impact players need to complete The Art of Horticulture world quest to obtain Seed Dispensary.

Before that, you need to reach Level 3 Reputation in Inazuma to be eligible for this quest and get this gadget. Then, this gadget will be available to get from Madame Ping. After you get this useful box, it will be stored in your Inventory. Then, you can equip it to use later. You also get a Path Of Value: Luxuriant Glebe after completing The Art of Horticulture quest to grow flowers.

Complete the world quest 'The Art of Horticulture' to get the Seed Dispensary.

II. How To Use Seed Dispensary

To equip Genshin Impact Seed Dispensary to use, you open the Inventory and go to the Gadget tab. Then, click on the gadget and choose to Equip it. After equipping the Seed Dispensary, you can use this tool to collect plant seeds on the Teyvat.

Follow these steps to collect plant seeds in Genshin Impact with Seed Dispensary.

  • Explore Teyvat and go to locations of flowers in Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma.
  • Approach the flower.
  • Tap on the name of the flower on Mobile or click F on PC to collect the flower.
Pick up the plant and seeds dropped from that plant.

Each flower collected gives you a bag of that flower's seeds. Keep in mind that each Seed Dispensary can contain only 20 seeds. Click Z to open this box and check out the number of seeds you have picked up.

After the box is full, go to the plot in your Serenitea world to plant flowers and fruits and free the Seed Dispensary space. You can collect plant seeds from plants on Teyvat. The plants collected in Serenitea Pot crops won't drop seeds.

The Seed Dispensary can contain only 20 seeds.

III. Plant Seeds Collected With Seed Dispensary

Gardening is an interesting activity in Genshin Impact. You can plant flowers, fruits, and vegetables in the Serenitea Pot to use in cooking and crafting recipes or ascend characters. Players can collect these plant seeds in Teyvat with Seed Dispensary:

  • Vegetables/Herbs: Carrot; Radish; Mint; Mushroom; Lotus Head; Sea Ganoderma.
  • Flowers: Silk Flower; Sweet Flower; Glaze Lily; Windwheel Aster; Cecilia; Qingxin; Violetgrass; Naku Weed; Snapdragon; Calla Lily.
  • Fruits/Glasses: Valberry; Small Lamp Grass; Jueyun Chili; Horsetail; Seagrass.
Then, plant the seed in the Serenitea Port.

These plants can be grown in three types of land in Serenitea Pot, including A Path of Value: Luxuriant Glebe, A Path of Value: Jade Field, and A Path of Value: Orderly Meadow.

Players can grow four seeds in a plot of land. Then, they need to wait for 2 days and 22 hours in real-world time to harvest these plants. You can also arrange a garden to decorate your world.

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