GTA Online is the online multiplayer version of Rockstar Games' hit title - GTA V. Players can take part in the same missions as on the offline version while enjoying other exclusive side tasks and events weekly.

Being an online game, voice communication makes up a big part of GTA Online. Yet, many players still don't know how to enable their mics or how to talk with others virtually. But that's about to end! Here's everything you need to know about how to voice chat in GTA 5 Online PC.

Voice Chat in GTA Online

Having in-game voice communication isn't the latest invention in the gaming world. In fact, this feature has become a norm for most online games nowadays. It's a convenient way to get the message across to your fellow gamers without having to switch to another application.

GTA Online dóe support voice chat.

Voice chat in GTA Online also helps increase the effectiveness of communication between gamers. Text chat is good, but sometimes it takes way too long to spell out a sentence on your keyboard. If you're not good at typing, then using voice chat in GTA Online will skip you that part entirely.

Overall, voice chat is an essential feature in GTA Online to help players communicate.

How to Voice Chat in GTA 5 Online PC?

In order to use voice chat in GTA Online, you must ensure that your microphone is working properly. None of the following steps will matter if you cannot use your microphone to speak.

Check your microphone to see if it's working properly.

On Windows 10, you can easily check out the microphone by going to Sound Settings. You will see the variations in mic input if your mic is working perfectly. On Windows 7, just go to the Control Panel > Sound > Recording and try to say something into the microphone.

When the mic is in order, here's how to talk in GTA 5 Online PC.

How to Use Voice Chat in GTA 5 Online PC?

By default, your game will be set at "Press To Talk". That means when you press the bound button, it activates the microphone to transmit your speech to other players in the game. Also, there's a limit to how far your voice can travel. The further you stand, the lower others will hear you talking.

How to Enable Voice Chat in GTA Online?

Follow the steps below to set up your voice chat in GTA Online:

Here you can control your in-game voice chat settings.
  • #1 Launch GTA Online on your PC.
  • #2 Hit M on your keyboard to bring up the Interaction Menu.
  • #3 Scroll down to find the "Voice Chat" option at the bottom. Set it to “Everyone”.
  • #4 Go to Settings, Key Bindings, and bind a key you want that will turn on voice chat.
  • #5 Go back to Settings, Voice Chat, and enable it.
  • #6 Make some final adjustments to the sound quality if you feel like it.

Congratulations, you have now successfully enabled voice chat in GTA Online. You can play and talk to others directly, without texting. Remember to get a good microphone before you do.

Tips: You can also play music in voice chat by changing the input device.

How to Mute Other Players in GTA Online?

Voice chat is indeed a good feature to have, but it's not for everyone. Some people just don't like the feature and want to turn it off permanently. On the flip side, we also have players who want to shut voice chat down for a bit when others are spamming songs or controversial slurs.

Sometimes it's better to enjoy GTA Online alone.

So, if you're a lone wolf yourself, you may want to keep voice chat off to just enjoy the missions and make some money in GTA Online. Unfortunately, there is no option to turn off voice chat for good in GTA Online. However, we have found a way around the matter.

Here's how it goes:

  • #1 Launch GTA Online.
  • #2 Create a party for yourself only. This way will mute the whole server's voice chat all together.

In case you want to mute specific players instead of the whole server, you can use GTA Online's Pause Menu. Select Online, Players, and then navigate to Options and select "Toggle Mute" to disable annoying players.

How to Text Chat in GTA 5 Online PC?

If you just don't feel like talking in GTA Online, you can always rely on the good old text chat to get the message across. Players can choose to chat with the entire server or just members of the party. By default, you can press Y to access team chat and T to chat with everyone.

There are also many Discord servers for GTA that make communicating even easier than through the game itself.

You can always use text to chat with other players.

That's all you need to know about how to voice chat in GTA 5 Online PC. We hope you can find the information you need in our article. For more guides, tips, and tricks on GTA 5 and GTA Online, visit our website at

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