As for a last-man-standing game like PUBG Mobile, players have to pay attention to various factors that may gain them an advantage in the fight. Along with a strategic plan for movements, the sensitivity setting will affect the weapon recoil and your overall performance in the game. If you have a proper sensitivity setting, you can shoot with no recoil.

Let's check out the best sensitivity settings for PUBG mobile no recoil 2021 here.

About PUBG Mobile Gun Recoil

PUBG Mobile weapons will produce recoil when the bullets go out of the barrel. Gun recoil is the backward movement of the gun barrel when you shoot and release bullets. The higher the initial bullet speed is, the more recoil it produces. Besides, the size of the bullet also affects the gun recoil. For example, 7.62mm-ammo weapons often have higher recoil than 5.56mm-ammo guns.

PUBG Mobile guns have both vertical and horizontal recoil.

In addition, there are two types of recoil in PUBG Mobile, including vertical recoil and horizontal recoil. The vertical recoil will make the barrel choke up. Meanwhile, the horizontal recoil makes the barrel shake left and right. Therefore, the gun recoil will make you shoot less accurately. The vertical recoil is often higher than the horizontal recoil.

The horizontal recoil makes the barrel shake left and right.

The horizontal recoil can be reduced by using proper attachments, such as the muzzle, foregrip, and tactical grip. Meanwhile, the vertical recoil can only be reduced by perfect sensitivity. Therefore, you need a proper sensitivity setting to make the gun more stable.

You can test the gun recoil of almost all weapons in this game in the training mode.

Best Sensitivity Settings For PUBG Mobile No Recoil

You can use the sensitivity to reduce the gun recoil. With proper sensitivity settings, you can shoot with lower recoil. You can learn the sensitivity settings from PUBG Mobile pro players, YouTubers, and streamers. There are three sensitivity settings you need to adjust.

The weapon recoil makes the crosshair bound and causes difficulty to players in aiming.

#1. Camera Sensitivity Settings

The camera sensitivity will affect the viewing speed of the character. Here are the recommended camera sensitivity settings for zero recoils in PUBG Mobile.

  • TPP No Scope: 80 - 100%
  • FPP No Scope: 80 - 100%
  • Red Dot, Holographic: 45 - 50%
  • 2x Scope: 40 - 44%
  • 3x Scope and Win94 scope: 20 - 22%
  • 4x Scope and VSS scope: 14 - 20%
  • 6x Scope: 10 - 12%
  • 8x Scope: 5 - 10%
Recommended camera sensitivity settings for PUBG Mobile players.

Choose a random value in these suggested statistics and adjust it after practicing in the training ground or ranked mode. The gun recoil can also be affected by the device's quality. Therefore, you may have to adjust it if these values do not fit your device.

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#2. ADS Sensitivity Settings

The ADS sensitivity will affect the sensitivity of the camera when you aim and shoot. It will help you drag the barrel down and reduce the vertical recoil of the gun. This is a recommended sensitivity setting of a pro player.

  • TPP No scope: 100 - 105%
  • FPP No scope: 85 - 90%
  • Red Dot, Holographic, & Aim Assist: 47 - 52%
  • 2x Scope: 30 - 35%
  • 3x Scope and Win94 Scope: 20 - 25%
  • 4x Scope and VSS Scope: 20 - 25%
  • 6x Scope: 12 - 15%
  • 8x Scope: 10 - 12%
Suggested ADS sensitivity settings for PUBG Mobile players.

You should leave the sensitivity level of long-range scopes low, ranging from 3x to 8x. These scopes are large and they will cover the whole screen. Therefore, it will make a great screen shake when you open and swipe scopes if the sensitivity is high.

The ADS sensitivity will affect the sensitivity of the camera when you fire with scope-in.

Besides, you cannot shoot accurately when the screen shakes a lot. You can hardly keep the barrel down, especially when you use weapons with great recoils, such as Mk14, AKM, Beryl M762, etc. These are also the best sensitivity settings for PUBG Mobile emulator no recoil.

#3. Best Sensitivity Settings For PUBG Mobile No Recoil 2021 For Gyro Players

This is the latest recommended sensitivity setting no recoil for gyro players.

  • TPP No scope: 300%
  • FPP No scope: 300%
  • Red Dot, Holographic, & Aim Assist: 300%
  • 2x Scope: 300%
  • 3x Scope and Win94 Scope: 200%
  • 4x Scope and VSS Scope: 200%
  • 6x Scope: 65 - 70%
  • 8x Scope: 55 - 60%
This is a perfect sensitivity setting for Gyro players in this game.

Players on emulators don't need to concern about it because you cannot use the gyroscope when playing it on a laptop/PC. Therefore, it's only suggested for gyro players on mobile phones.

Tips To Reduce Gun Recoil 2021

Apart from the best sensitivity settings for PUBG mobile no recoil 2021you can use attachments to make the weapons more stable. Besides, there are many tips to shoot with no recoil for pro players in this game.

#1. Best Attachments For No Recoil

Muzzle, foregrip, and tactical stocks are three attachments that help reduce the gun recoil. The compensator is the best muzzle attachment to make the barrels shake less. Besides, use the vertical grip to reduce more vertical and horizontal recoil. In addition, use the tactical grip if your weapons support this attachment.

Muzzle, foregrip, and tactical stocks are three attachments to reduce gun recoil in PUBG Mobile.

#2. Shoot While Crouch And Prone

Firing in the crouch or prone poses also helps reduce the gun recoil. It's because your body will make a firm prop for the weapon. However, it only works in long-range combat because you have to keep moving to dodge bullets in close combat. Besides, many weapons have a bipod, such as Mk-12, QBZ, M249, and DP-28. They will be more stable when you shoot while prone.

Crouch and spray to reduce vertical gun recoil better.

#3. Use Single Or Burst Firing Mode

The full-auto mode always has higher gun recoil due to the higher rate of fire. Therefore, you should switch to the single or burst firing mode when you engage in mid and long-range combat. Many players often use ARs to engage in long-range combat, such as M416 with 4x scope and 6x scope. You can switch to the single firing mode to tap and use it as a DMR.

Those are the best sensitivity settings for PUBG mobile no recoil 2021. You can also use some tips and attachments to make the gun more stable.

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