Genshin Impact elemental reactions are very useful in dealing damage to enemies. Every two elements can cause a reaction on average. Check out this Genshin Impact elemental reactions tier list to pick out the most powerful one below.
Table of Contents
- #1. Vaporize (Pyro plus Hydro)
- #2. Quicken & Its Expansions (Electro Meets Dendro)
- #3. Melt (Pyro Meets Cryo)
- #4. Swirl (Anemo plus Pyro, Cryo, Electro, or Hydro)
- #5. Superconduct (Cryo plus Electro)
- #6. Hyperbloom (Electro Meets Dendro Cores)
- #13. Burgeon (Bloom Meets Pyro)
- #8. Bloom (Dendro Meets Hydro)
- #9. Electro-charged (Electro plus Hydro)
- #10. Overloaded (Electro plus Pyro)
- #11. Crystallize (Geo plus Cryo, Hydro, Pyro, or Electro)
- #12. Frozen (Hydro plus Cryo)
- #13. Burning (Dendro Meets Pyro)

There are many Genshin Impact elemental combos in Genshin Impact. When you combine two or three elements, you can get an elemental reaction. However, Genshin Impact Elemental reaction damage calculation for different combos is not the same. Therefore, many reactions are more powerful.
This is the tier list of all Elemental Reactions in Genshin Impact as well as the Genshin Impact Elemental weakness chart, from the best to the worst.
#1. Vaporize (Pyro plus Hydro)
The Vaporize reaction happens when you combine Pyro and Hydro elements. When you use Hydro plus Pyro, the Vaporize reaction causes higher damage than using Pyro plus Hydro. You can use the elemental attacks or rainy weather to apply Hydro elements on the targets. Then, release elemental skills and bursts of Pyro PDS to cause the highest elemental DMG.
- Apply a wet effect before releasing Pyro attacks. Childe and Mona's bursts can apply Hydro element to enemies on the largest AoE.
- Make use of rain or a nearby water area, such as a river, lake, or sea.
- It's the best one in this Genshin Impact elemental reactions tier list especially when you use high-level characters.

#2. Quicken & Its Expansions (Electro Meets Dendro)
Quicken is a new elemental reaction when the Dendro element was introduced. It involves a chain of powerful reactions, such as the Aggravate and Spread reactions, when you continue to hit the target affected by Quicken with further Electro or Dendro elements.
- Focus on Elemental Mastery to charge Dendro and Electro bursts faster to spam chains of Quicken, Spread, and Aggravate reactions.
- Bring more than one Electro/Dendro character to trigger Aggravate and Spread.
- Nahida is the best Dendro enabler for Quicken teams.

#3. Melt (Pyro Meets Cryo)
When the two most aggressive elements, Pyro and Cryo, are combined, the Pyro element deals double damage. The order of elements also affects the DMG it causes. If you use Pyro skills and bursts after applying the Cryo effect, the DMG will be doubled. In contrast, the elemental DMG will increase by 1.5 times when you attack with a Cryo element after applying the burning effect.
- Freeze the enemy first. Then, use the Pyro bursts or slashes of Genshin Impact Diluc, Hu Tao, or Klee to take the enemies down quickly.
- Effective in fighting off big bosses.

#4. Swirl (Anemo plus Pyro, Cryo, Electro, or Hydro)
The Anemo element is often recognized as a supporting element. When you combine it with other aggressive elements, including Pyro, Cryo, Electro, and Hydro, it can cause extra DMG to enemies. It works most effectively when countering mobs. The Anemo element helps spread the AoE of other elemental effects. The power of Swirl Reaction depends on the level of elemental mastery.
- Use the elemental burst of Kazuha, Venti, or Jean to increase the area of effect.
- The Swirl Reaction between Anemo and Pyro works most effectively.

#5. Superconduct (Cryo plus Electro)
Superconduct Reaction can reduce the physical resistance of enemies by up to 40%. You can use Chongyun, Razor, and Keqing to deal huge physical damage in addition to elemental DMG from the reaction. When the physical resistance of enemies decreases, it's easier to defeat them with elemental skills and bursts. Without that protection shield, a big boss is also as weak as a kitten.
- You should cause the Freeze Reaction first. Then, apply the Electro elements to attack enemies with another reaction.
- Lisa and Fischl's burst can cause long-term reactions in a wet condition.

#6. Hyperbloom (Electro Meets Dendro Cores)
Hyperbloom is the expansion of the Bloom reaction in Genshin Impact. When you continue to unleash Electro-infused attacks and hit Dendro Cores, it will trigger the Hyperbloom reaction and deal higher damage to the affected enemies.
- You cannot trigger Hyperbloom reactions using Bountiful Cores created by Nilou. So, don't use Nilou in your Hyperbloom teams.
- Hyperbloom is effective in defeating both groups of enemies and single-target bosses.
- Focus on the Elemental Mastery status for the Electro DPS of the Hyperbloom teams.

#13. Burgeon (Bloom Meets Pyro)
Burgeon is another expansion of the Bloom reaction in Genshin Impact. Like Hyperbloom, this reaction also has a 3x multiplier and deals massive damage to the affected enemies. When the Dendro cores are created and dropped on the battlefield, you switch to a Pyro DPS and unleash AoE Pyro attacks to these cores and trigger Burgeon.
- Unleash the Pyro attacks before Dendro Cores disappear.
- Focus on Elemental Mastery to trigger more Dendro Cores.

#8. Bloom (Dendro Meets Hydro)
Bloom is another new elemental reaction added to the game after the release of the Dendro element in Sumeru. When Dendro meets Hydro, it triggers a separate damage-dealing entity called the Dendro Core. These cores will explode and deal damage to every living entity around it, including enemies and your characters.
- Nilou is the best Hydro enabler for Bloom teams because of her passive talent that allows her to trigger more devastating Bountiful Cores.
- You should have a decent healer to heal characters affected by explosions of Dendro Cores/Bountiful Cores. Kokomi is the best healer who can provide Hydro for this reaction and heal the whole team.

#9. Electro-charged (Electro plus Hydro)
Electro-charged is another aggressive elemental reaction for attacking enemies. After applying the wet effect to enemies with Hydro skills or burst or wet weather conditions, you release an Electro burst or attacks. The Electro-charged causes instant DMG shocks to opponents. It can interrupt the attack animation of enemies. Then, you can cause Overloaded or Freeze reactions.
- Fischl and Lisa are the two best Electro characters for this reaction.
- Fischl's elemental skills and Lisa's elemental burst can maintain the effect for a long while.

#10. Overloaded (Electro plus Pyro)
Overloaded is also a reaction to attack. Like Swirl, the level of characters' elemental mastery also affects the DMG of this reaction. It's very useful and effective in countering mobs thanks to its great AoE damage. However, this reaction does not cause CRIT DMG. It only helps knock back enemies.
- The combination of Xiangling with Fischl or Xiangling with Lisa can deal elemental DMG of this reaction to the enemies for a long time.
- Combine an off-field enabler and an on-field DPS with Electro and Pyro visions to trigger continual Overloaded reactions.

#11. Crystallize (Geo plus Cryo, Hydro, Pyro, or Electro)
When the Geo element is combined with other elements, except for Anemo, it can cause the Crystallize Reaction. In this elemental reaction, Geo plays the role of buffing elemental DMG of Cryo, Hydro, Pyro, or Electro. When his reaction occurs, players can create a shield from elemental shards to defend.
- Geo plus Cryo is the best elemental combo among many elements in this Genshin Impact elemental reactions tier list.
- The elemental skills of Noele and Diona can cause two layers of shield for better protection.
- Ningguang can create a large AoE of Crystalize Reaction.

#12. Frozen (Hydro plus Cryo)
The Frozen Reaction occurs when two elements - Hydro and Cryo - come into contact. It can freeze the target for a while. You can also apply the Pyro or Electro attacks after freezing enemies to cause Melt or Superconduct reactions. It's the worst one in this Genshin Impact elemental reactions tier list but it's still useful.
- Kamisato Ayaka and Ganyu are the two best Cryo characters for a larger AoE of Frozen.
- After freezing enemies, quickly switch to a Pyro or Electro character for a more powerful elemental reaction.

#13. Burning (Dendro Meets Pyro)
The Burning reaction is triggered when Dendro meets Pyro on the marked targets. As it has a low multiplier of 0.25x and deals minor damage to the hit enemies, Genshin Impact players rarely build a special team to trigger this elemental reaction.
- The output damage of Burning is affected by the enemy’s resistance and Elemental Mastery. So, you need an Anemo or Geo character who can shred the enemy’s resistance.
- If you trigger Vaporize and Melt with the Pyro aura, the Burning reaction won't cause damage to the affected targets.

Those are the best order of the Genshin Impact elemental reactions tier list. However, it also depends on your character collection and the level of your character. Characters with higher levels can cause more powerful elemental reactions. Character build also matters.
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